Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Waiting Game

My friends came together last weekend and threw me a going away party. It was pretty awesome. Barrie won convincingly at Risk, the water at Chocolate Lake was particularly refreshing and the tunes went late into the night. And now I wait. The Chinese are still processing my visa and until that is approved I'm stuck here in Halifax.

On the positive side: I've been successful in selling some of my belongings, I've got extra time to hang out with my friends and hey, relaxing ain't so bad.

This weekend, unless the call comes, I brave Hurricane Bill and head off on a fishing expedition in Five Islands.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Material Weath

I spent today packing up my apartment. My plan is to get rid of nearly all of my belongings, Siddhartha style, keeping only a few treasured possessions. Books, photographs, know the type of stuff. I'm amazed at the volume of crap I have accumulated; several garbage bags full of doodads and thingamacraps were properly dispatched today. The rest gets posted on Kijiji or, failing that, sent to the dump. If you know of anyone in Halifax who is moving into their first apartment, let me know.