Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm F*$!'n Awesome

Okay, okay, okay...I KNOW...it's a family blog...foul language is inappropriate. But please read my story before you judge me.

Today was one of those frustrating days that seem to happen from time to time. I left work in a foul mood and things didn't appear to be headed to a happy place. As I'm walking up the path to my apartment building then who should come waddling up opposite me but a Chinese woman I estimate to be in her late 30's with a face that made it clear she hasn't laughed in at least two decades wearing a black t-shirt with big white lettering saying "I'm Fucking Awesome". Classic Chinese...wearing shirts that are in English and they have no idea what they say. I started laughing out loud, I'm a bit ashamed to admit, right at her. I think she probably won't smile again for at least another decade because of me. But it did cheer me up!


  1. Thanks to Duncan, China's nukes have just gone online.

  2. haha! that is hilarious... when do you come back to the land of the canuck?

  3. I booked my ticket out of China today...June 30th and I fly into NY for the weekend. From there...I'm not sure...likely to Mum and Dad's.
